
Divorce is a tumultuous event that impacts all aspects of a person’s life. Therefore, rebuilding and moving forward after divorce can be difficult and overwhelming. However, with the support of a legal team and by applying coping strategies, it is possible to regain balance and...

Navigating child support obligations is difficult enough as it is. However, when you’re self-employed, the complexities of your profession make for unique financial challenges. For self-employed parents, the challenge of calculating child support can be very difficult as many self-employed individuals have their personal and...

Communicating throughout and after a divorce is difficult, and it’s understandable if you would rather have no contact with your ex-partner. However, this can be difficult if the divorce is still processing or if you have children together. In this article, we provide suggestions for limiting...

Divorces can be challenging and emotionally draining, especially when significant assets are involved. Understanding the common factors in high-asset divorce settlements can help both parties navigate the process smoothly and achieve a fair outcome. If you are facing a high-asset divorce in Washington State, use...