child support

Navigating child support obligations is difficult enough as it is. However, when you’re self-employed, the complexities of your profession make for unique financial challenges. For self-employed parents, the challenge of calculating child support can be very difficult as many self-employed individuals have their personal and...

Child support is a payment a custodial parent receives following a separation to provide financial stability for a child. A court of law makes these payments legal obligations. The number of children, their ages, and the income of both parents are the factors that initially...

Washington state courts emphasize the best interests of children when examining proposed divorce settlements and in determining child support. They will look at a couple’s combined gross income, remove allowable deductions, and arrive at an amount each parent should pay that the court deems fair...

Child support can be very confusing, and many myths exist about these payments. Get to know the common misconceptions about these payments to clearly understand what your child support order could look like. Learn more about what these monthly payments entail and what you should...