Child Custody Mistakes That Can Hurt Your Case

Mistakes That Can Hurt Your Child Custody Case

Child Custody Mistakes That Can Hurt Your Case

Child custody cases can be overwhelming. The experience is even worse if parents make poor decisions throughout the situation. Here are some of the biggest custody battle mistakes that can hurt your child custody case. Avoid these scenarios so that everyone can have as smooth of a transition as possible.

Putting Your Own Needs First

Sometimes, parents get wrapped up in what they want from a ruling. When people only think of themselves, they forget about their child’s best interests. Remember, your child’s quality of life is far more important than winning, and the courts make decisions based on the best interests of the child. Parents must be able to compromise and develop a plan that works for their children.

Bad Mouthing

As hard as it may be, refrain from saying horrible things about your ex during a custody battle to your children . If word gets around to the judge that you are always saying bad things about a child’s parent in front of them, this could affect the child custody decision. Instead, try to be as civil as possible with your former partner. Our best custody battle tip is to be cooperative: the more willing the parties are to work out an acceptable plan with each other, the better the process will be for everyone.

Posting on Social Media

Much like bad mouthing, you should not post about your ex on social media. These posts can come back to haunt you. Judges want to see parents working together to create a cohesive plan for their children. If they see posts slandering the other parent, this will affect their decision. This is not how to win a custody case in Washington State. Take the high road, and keep your sour opinions to yourself.

Ignoring Court Orders

Another of the biggest child custody mistakes you can make is ignoring court orders. Do everything the court tells you, even if it is painful. For example, you need to let your child stay with your ex if the judge demands it. Moreover, act like the ideal citizen during a custody battle. Any violation of the law will cause the court to conclude that you are irresponsible. Also, do your best to stay organized and show up for every hearing. Promptness will show the judge you can handle responsibility.

Going through a custody battle is one of life’s biggest challenges. However, if you avoid child custody mistakes, remain calm, and behave civilly with your ex, you have a higher chance of getting time with your children.

It used to be that judges tended to favor the mother in a child custody dispute. This is no longer true, partly due to the work that the team at LaCoste Family Law has done to support fathers’ rights and demonstrate to the courts that every child needs their dad. If you need legal advice on how to win a custody case in Washington State, give LaCoste a call today. We have experience in father’s rights in Washington State, and we want to help every parent maintain a relationship with their children.